I forgot who i was for the longest time.
I for got how to say my own name.
I lost friends,
the ones that didn't matter.
but still.
They are gone.
The sky is never blue anymore.
and words are just big streaks of black blur.
is this even my skin?
and much too long hair.
consistently stagnant.
I just keep standing here.
I want scream.
and dream.
and save the world.
teach the girls how to fly.
I want Cambodia.
and Indiana.
I want to pray more.
and when i look in the mirror,
I want to know me,
and see my Savior.
-shannon masayo
You’ve changed my life, my oldest of friends
I feel you, I understand you, I guiltlessly worship you
When you speak, when you scream, when you sing
Pinpricks trace down my back
You move inside of me
You stir and inspire me
Once upon a lifetime ago, you were all I knew
I wrote you, everyday, for two- years
You, my insatiable addiction
My only drug of choice
Then one day you left me
The spark that became a flame had fizzled out, and now what remains?
A shell of what I used to be
All inspiration had left my throat and fingertips
Now parasitically, I feed from you
Have I nothing to offer this once symbiotic love affair?
One day, you will be in my life again
I will return the love you have given me
You’ve changed my life, my oldest of friends
Music; my savior, I will make you once again
-Ryan Baker
I have removed my post for personal reasons.
-Tylor Sherman
All of these are beautiful. I miss your writing. That is one of the biggest things I remember about you.. When we were in the creative writing class