I still think about that drunken night.
and it still offends me.
hopefully these words don't offend you.
somehow. somewhere.
in your rumple-mint blunder the topic went from public schools
to intoxicated slander.
There was no logic in that one sided conversation
in which you probably might not even remember.
I cried myself to sleep that night dear brother.
But who cares right?
"I'm just a mom, and you are nothing but a soldier"
You may regret the life you used to lead
and the places it may have taken you
or didn't take you for that matter.
But ironically.
All I have EVER wanted,
more than anything in this world.was to be exactly what I am.
My children's mother.
I'm sorry your dreams have not turned out...yet.
But there is still time big brother.
-Shannon Masayo
He's got his mother's eyes.
Everyone says he looks like me,
but that can't be.
Friends and family fill the field...
Who knew we knew so many people?
Such a radiant bride.
You never saw the point,
said marriage wouldn't fit you well.
But I convinced you,
Now look at you.
With a body built for a wedding dress,
I wouldn't miss this for the world,
Even as your guest.
Tylor Sherman
Tortured and tired
You’ve seen many storms
You’ve battled through hell
And smiled at the devil’s scorn
You’ve met the darkest of days
And shaken his hand
And despite his betrayal
Unflinching you stand
Though he will not relent
And dark clouds will cover
You will weather all storms
My life’s rock; my mother
-Ryan Baker
me likey ty.