Every muscle starving, thirsting, dying
Even though he is as dead as dead man can be
He still breathes faintly, dying evermore as each breath leaves
In the darkness of silhouetted trees, he spots below his victim soon to be
He crashes down upon his prey, who thrashes like an injured beast
Now in the madman’s toothy snare; a lock that won’t release
The dead man drinks until his prey lay silent, catatonic
Now alive as a dead man can be
So satisfied, so far from hungry
-Ryan Baker
We laid in your bed for hours.
You kissed me in all the right places.
You know the spot.
mmm yeah,
right there.
You told me about how your mom died.
And all your plans to change the world.
And all I could think about was how hungry I was.
For food,
not you.
-Shannon Martinez
Everyone smelled like open guts.
It was honest, it was ugly, and it got us through the night.
We ate the earth and searched among the wreckage.
They took their share, but could not stop.
I felt their fingers reaching for my rations.
I crept to corners to keep my hunger fed.
Now the fallout dictates where we roam and where we sleep.
They say I should forsake you, but you saved me from a stoic life.
The men will move ahead, and leave us both to die.
But If I live for you, then and only then will I survive.
-Tylor Sherman
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